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OpenOffice and Libre Office

Microsoft Office Suite software which includes Word, Excel, PowerPoint and etc. It is so popular amongst figurer users and is a copyright software. This means, that the software is owned by Microsoft and users take to pay or buy it and install information technology to use information technology.  Currently, (2021) it is being sold by authorized shops in selected provincial towns in Papua New Guinea. In the by the software is sold in CDs, just today, only the soft production key  is sold in the packet. On the packet are instructions to go online or Microsoft office website to download and install it and then activate the software. This is Microsoft's mode of protecting the software from being pirated. This means that it  difficult for users in developing countries to buy information technology and use information technology.

The other ii options are to  buy it. Get-go is to buy directly online from Microsoft Office website and download information technology. 2d is for  users to  subscribe to utilise the software via the internet. Once, a user signs upwards for the Subscription, she or she will pay Microsoft on a monthly  rate to use it. Subscription does non permit the user to download and install the software on his or her estimator but employ information technology through Microsoft provided user dashboard through the net. Just like users using Gmail, Facebook and etc.

Buy Microsoft office 2019  direct from Microsoft website

  • Go to Microsoft Office Online Shop  and buy Office 2019 which is the latest version of Microsoft Office
  • Fill in your bank Credit Card details and accost
  • Checkout/pay and then the user volition be emailed the link to download the software.


  • Individual users frequently buy a unmarried license which means that the software can just  be installed on one machine.
  • Afterwards the installation, activation of the software is required over the net. Microsoft gathers the hardware details of the desktop or laptop in which the software is installed. If the software is installed on another estimator, it will not be activated. This is to protect its software from beingness pirated.
  • Requires steady internet connectedness for installation and activation.
  • Agile bank Debit Visa bill of fare
  • Process of downloading, installation and etc is flake complicated for not-technical users. This link from Microsoft Office support explains the whole process  Installation and Activation Process

Microsoft Office 365 Subscription Service

Microsoft Role 365  website has all the available subscription plans for Home, Concern, and Enterprise. Unfortunately, some of these plans are non available to directly to PNG but via Microsoft Australia.


  • Available 24/7 and requires via the net and can be accessed from whatever device from anywhere.
  • Latest version and updates.
  • Admission to other additional software such every bit Microsoft Team, Skype, Yummer, and etc.
  • Comes with OneDrive to shop files online
  • Device independent. Means equally long every bit there is internet connection the software services can be accessed from whatsoever device such as Smartphone, desktop, Laptop or tablet.


  • Demand reliable internet connectedness
  • Up to date with Monthly Subscription payment to access the dashboard. Otherwise, user is denied access.

Gratuitous Open up Source Alternatives For Microsoft Office

So, the question  anyone can inquire is this. "Is there whatever culling software to Microsoft Office which is completely costless to download, install and use?".  The reply is yes. A group of globe wide network of ICT specialists, programmers, developers and organizations have rallied behind the Open Source motion. That is to develop productivity software and get in available for free to the public to use. The members are free to make modifications and contribute to the whole evolution. Lots of civil society and business organizations aid support the Open Source projects.

The two most popular and stable Open-Source alternatives to Microsoft Office are Libre Function and OpenOffice. These two are complimentary to download from the the project's website and  install in any laptop or PC. Lots of software programmers or developers are contributing to develop them and both have become stable software with all the needed functions. Although the user interface is little flake dissimilar to Microsoft Office, merely in terms of  functionality everything seems to work fine. So all that is needed is to become to the website and download it.


Then, anyone in Papua New Republic of guinea with a PC or laptop that doesn't have Microsoft Office software, OpenOffice and LibreOffice are definitely worth the consideration. Particularly for students, NGO workers, public servants and individuals  in the  provincial towns and etc , where ICT services and shops are limited. Also useful for self-learned PC technicians who take fixed a PC or laptop but doesn't have the necessary software in them,  then these are skilful options.

Google Applications Nether Gmail Account

The other culling is to apply the Google Applications under the popular Gmail electronic mail. Anyone with an active Gmail can utilize them. To access, log onto Gmail and in one case logged in, click on  Google Applications and choose the desired software. Google provides free alternatives for the three (3) pop Microsoft Part software which are Excel, Word and PowerPoint.

  1. Docs (word )
  2.  Slides (PowerPoint)
  3.  Sheets (Excel)

The but trouble, is that reliable internet connection and browser software like Google Chrome or Microsoft Edge. Google docs, slides, and sheets cannot be accessed offline. To work offline without the demand for net connectivity then OpenOffice or LibreOffice is needed.

Google Docs


Posted by: parriswhocautencen.blogspot.com

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